Holly Humble

My friends call me Holly, or Holly Humble, or any variation of the 2. I've lived in Texas and South Carolina. I love good music, good conversation and above all, my good (understatement of the century) glorious Jesus! I'm honestly really new to this writing thing and I know nothing about blogs...so fasten your seat belts and come with me as I journey through life and the "blogging" experience.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's been a while...

I'm a comm. major at my university and let's just be honest for a moment. I'm not that media savvy. I mean sure, I like computers and I even have an Apple, but on the whole, I have no idea what html, trl, or //http: even means. I'm supposed to. I'm a senior and I've changed my major more times than I can count on one hand and I'm supposed to be graduating 3 semesters from now (not counting this one...I'm trying to look on the bright side, seeing as though this semester just started, it should probably be counted, but I'm not going to do it!) Either way, the first day of class was all of 2 weeks ago and here I sit, writing on my blog. having already skipped 2 classes this semester. What is it about school that makes me want to quit it? It is way more fun to just reap the benefits of being at college and do with out all the class, unfortunately an existentialistic viewpoint like that is not regularly accepted.
So my next point, I, like many other women I'm assuming, have a problem sometimes living up to what they are told they should look like. For instance, I've been really hyperfocused recently on my skin, that keeps breaking out. The problem is that it's a vicious cycle of events because the more you worry about your skin, the more you break out! I wish that for just one second, perhaps even one millisecond, New York minute, whatever, that we could fathom how amazingly beautiful we are to God.http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=57&chapter=4&verse=8&version=65&context=verse Or perhaps realize that He calls us to so much more than focusing on what's around us.
So I encourage you, reader, to look at things not seen, but on the unseen. The greater things of this world are worth focusing on, not the things that come and go with the wind. Here's a look at an awesome campaign out there promoting real beauty, hopefully you'll find it as uplifting as I did: http://www.campaignforrealbeauty.com/ I took some quizzes and I was really encouraged at the end of them...this could be for guys too! Everyone have a good day! Who knows, I might get back into this writing thing!


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